talk different

Talk Different app makes communication easier

An inclusive ICT communication tool developed by Sogeti.


The mobile application, Talk Different, is for anyone who wants to communicate in a playful way, combining images, text, words and sounds. Available worldwide, the application also meets the needs of people with literacy and shyness challenges, as well as language impairment and disability.


The app, developed and deployed by Sogeti from its Digital Center of Excellence based in Rennes, France, was built using a hybrid application model. Talk Different uses the latest technologies in the development of hypermedia  mobile solutions and agile practices well suited to B2C (Business to Consumer) services. The project was leaded by Midi-Aero Business Unit in Toulouse.


First universal language mobile application to be available worldwide, Talk Different is an innovative communication tool, intuitive, playful, currently accessible to all in nine languages, and available on the Google Play and App store.

Talk Different is the first inclusive ICT mobile application with worldwide deployment.

  • Patrick Marquet
    Patrick Marquet
    Practice Leader
    +33 5 61 30 60 25
About Talk Different

MPLS is a start-up that has been created to develop the Talk Different project. Marie Spitz, creator of Talk Different and President of the MPSLS company, is the mother of a young daughter, Pauline, who is autistic, with severe language disorders.