Programing Code

AMQP to Azure Service Bus with Linux

In this post IoT expert Chris Arend creates message communication from a Linux CentOS VM with AMQP to Azure Service Bus.

In this post I’ll create message communication from a Linux CentOS VM with AMQP to Azure Service Bus. I chose Linux because it is on a lot of IoT related devices. I’ll describe a few steps to make it work:

  1. Create the Service Bus on Microsoft Azure
  2. Create a Linux VM on Microsoft Azure
  3. Connect to the VM via SSH
  4. Install Apache Qpid Proton-C on the VM
  5. Create a Python script to send the message
  6. Create the Service Bus on Microsoft Azure

When you create a Service Bus via the Azure portal it is not possible to use ACS. But for the AMQP communication you need ACS, so you can create a Service Bus with Powershell[...]

To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: AMQP to Azure Service Bus with Linux

Chris den Arend
Chris den Arend
Technology Specialist Microsoft
+31 886 606 600