woman with paperwork

Challenges of a CIO – Part 4

In my last blog, I described some of the initial results from the change programme started by Peter Sommer when he joined Olfama as CIO and I described the challenge with project portfolio management.

Peter and John started to define the project portfolio management process with a brainstorming session. They found that the process should ensure that every corporate strategic initiative was supported by at least one project and at the same time there shouldn’t be too many independent projects supporting a single initiative. They knew that projects could be categorised in three distinct groups: Projects to help keep lights on (Run the business), projects to grow the business and projects to transform the business. Peter and John realized, that projects supporting a strategic initiative would fall into the “Grow” and “Transform” categories, and that the metrics for these projects would be different from the metrics for projects in the “Run” category.

Three different ways to prioritize would be needed #1: Prioritize between run, grow and transform, #2: Prioritize internally between strategic projects (grow/transform) and #3: Prioritize internally between operational projects (run). [...]


To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: Challenges of a CIO – Part 4