
Morten Løvstad nominated for Norwegian Diversity Award

Morten Løvstad, Head of Sogeti Norway, has been nominated for the prestigious ODA Award Man 2019, for his work to increase diversity within the technology sector. The award is awarded on a yearly basis by ODA, the Nordic region's leading network for women, rewarding concrete and profitable work to increase gender balance and diversity in the technology industry.

Morten Løvstad is chosen by ODA due to his  strong focus on motivating women at Sogeti to take on roles with responsibilities for results and to dare to say yes. As a leader Morten Løvstad emphasizes the importance of mentoring and providing inspiration to his employees, and giving women authority, responsibility and follow-ups. He works in a goal-oriented way to increase the proportion of women within the company, and has initiated the internal Mangfold@Sogeti (diversity@sogeti) network. According to Morten, women are an essential piece of the puzzle to improve collaboration and increase profitability within any company.  Morten is a visible source of inspiration internally and externally for Sogeti Norway and has for many years been a role model on gender balance. Morten has a clear goal to reach 50% women at Sogeti Norway, from the current level of 45%. In 2018 Morten and his leadership team was selected by Sogeti global for the Best Diversity and Inclusion Award.

oda.pngThe winners of the ODA Awards 2019 will be announced during the ODA Inspiration Day, May 10, at Konserthuset in Oslo, Norway. ODA Award Woman has been handed out for the last 11 years, ODA Award Organization for the last 7 years and Oda Award Man will this year highlight diversity efforts for the second consequtive year.

morten lovstad 120x120.pngTo push the dial, I believe it is important as a leader, and especially as a man, to constantly focus on diversity and particularly on gender balance. In 2013 Sogeti Norway was awarded the ODA Award as an Organization. As a strong diversity leader for many years in Norway we would be very honored to receive yet another ODA Award for Sogeti, proving that persistency wins. Together, we are keeping our fingers crossed at Sogeti,” commented Morten Løvstad.

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Paul Saunders
Global Marketing & Communications Director

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