wind farms

New website improves quality of information and management of digital channels

Sogeti develops Digital Channels Strategy for Energimyndigheten.


The client has six sites on the Web, including additional sites under various official collaborations and additionally communicates through newsletters and various social channels. Their management requires resources from multiple departments and high costs. Additionally the communication also is fuzzy and in some cases not synchronized. Hence they wanted to implement a strategy focusing on developing a digital communication for long term and extend support to the agency for the continual management and development of digital communications.


Content  review of the client website as well as internal processes was conducted for designing a new concept and design for the website. The project identified a number of recommended activities including a newsroom for journalists on the website to be created. A new strategy for satellite sites  and a new concept for managing newsletters was also identified. The primary and secondary target groups were defined, and the design and concept led to the development of a new version of on EPiServer 7 with responsive design and with new information structure .


The strategy enabled Swedish Energy Agency to develop their digital channels communication in the desired forward direction. This has led to more effective management of the digital channels  by enhancing dissemination of information and ensuring higher quality of information. This led to better alignment of all channels and creation of a coherent messaging about Swedish Energy Agency.

  • Martin Eriksson
    Martin Eriksson
    Branch manager at Sogeti
    +46 8 5368 2086
About Energimyndigheten

Swedish Energy Agency, is a Swedish government agency, which comes under the Ministry of Industry. The Agency has the responsibility to set Sweden's energy to become economically and environmentally sustainable and at the same time ensuring a secure energy supply. The Swedish Energy Agency works for the use of renewable energy, improved technologies, a smarter end-use of energy, and mitigation of climate change.