
Top 10 Innovation Lab Best Practices

The topic of innovation is critical in this age of digital disruption and transformation. How do companies and organizations plan for and deliver innovation, which often seems to be an illusive mirage? The answer is to include innovation in the strategic executive agenda and invest long term in an Innovation Lab.

An Innovation Lab, if setup correctly, enables rapid and business value focused ideation and prototyping. When connected, end-to-end, from the origin of the opportunity/problem to final production, time-to-market is improved, speed-to-volume is accelerated, and more importantly makes it possible to bring that which is radically different to the market.

The term “radically different” is critical in an Innovation Lab-context. Business-as-usual development outside of the Innovation Lab needs to stay relevant and innovative. Innovation is not something that can or should be excluded anywhere, even if an Innovation Lab is implemented. However, an Innovation Lab must be challenged with the primary task: to design and bring to market that which is radically different, since this factor is what is at the heart of disruption and transformation. image courtesy:

That said, here are my top 10 Innovation Lab Best Practices: [...]


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Andreas Sjöström
Andreas Sjöström
Vice President Digital Advisory Services and CTO, Sweden
+46 70 609 85 13