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Web UX Designs that Work or Fail, AND Why…

The leader of our Digital Transformation practice in Dallas and SogetiLabs Member, David Yancey, asked all members of his practice to share candid user experience (UX) feedback on the best and worst websites.

I compiled the following results, which though not earth-shattering, are good reminders of what to do and definitely what to avoid.

The Good

Clearly, the best websites are those backed by billion dollar business models, with hundreds of developers, UI/UX designers, architects and testers revamping and fine-tuning their production web properties for over a decade. Despite the ungodly amounts of money and resources, you can only dream of having one on your next project. Here are some obvious, but worthy-to-repeat website designs and tips:

Great Websites: [...]


To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: Web UX Designs that Work or Fail, AND Why…

Erik Leaseburg
Erik Leaseburg
Senior manager and solutions architect
+1 (469) 231-2862