
Pitching Digital Transformation

Jaap Bloem, one of our principal analysts at VINT (vision, inspiration, navigation, trends), the Capgemini SogetiLabs trend lab, wrote a new article on techcrunch.com.


Convincing business executives to wisely invest in digital transformation by advocating solutions around cloud, business intelligence, big data analytics, the Internet of Things — or even Everything — has proven to be counterproductive in too many cases. IT-focused people cherish these concepts because we feel that abstraction is needed to stress their vast potential.

But selling promises and proof of concept often only serves to irritate people who, year after year, spent money like water on them[...]


Read the whole blog post here: Pitching Digital Transformation

  • Jaap Bloem
    Jaap Bloem
    Research Director at VINT
    +31 622 90 18 41

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