Smarter Factories

Smart Factories

Preparing for smart factories - How can manufacturers realize the potential of digital industrial revolution

The report finds usage of digital technologies like IoT, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Robotics, 3D printing and Cloud Computing will transform the manufacturing landscape. It suggests that sectors such as industrial manufacturing, aerospace and defense, and automotive and transportation have the highest share of manufacturers who have an ongoing smart factory initiative.

Key findings also include,

    • Smart factories could add $500 billion to $1.5 trillion in value added to the global economy in five years 
    • Manufacturers predict overall efficiency to grow annually over the next five years at 7 times the rate of growth since 1990 
    • Though 76% of manufacturers either have a smart factory initiative that is ongoing or are working on formulating it, only 14% of companies are satisfied with their level of smart factory success. 
    • Only 6% of manufacturers are ‘Digital Masters’: at an advanced stage in digitizing production processes and with a strong foundation of vision, governance and employee skills.

Read the report for more insights and understand how manufacturers can realize their smart factory vision.

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  • Jean-Pierre Petit
    Jean-Pierre Petit
    CEO Sogeti High Tech/Global Lead Digital Manufacturing
    +33 (0)1 40 93 73 00

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  • Markus Rossmann
    Markus Rossmann
    Principal Digital Manufacturing
    +49 711 50 50 50
Internet of Things / Smarter Products
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