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The Modern, Connected CISO

From Responders to Drivers of Change.

A new era for the CISO? IDC InfoBrief “The Modern Connected CISO”, sponsored by Capgemini, gives insight into the evolving role of the CISO and how organizations now perceive its value.

IDC’s new Infobrief shows a shift in both attitude and perception. Information Security is moving from being a necessary constraint to a business enabler and consequently a source of competitive advantage. Information Security is now recognized as fundamental to business success. The IDC survey also reveals that:

  • 75% say the influence of the CISO has improved over the past three years
  • 90% agree that the CISO is involved in significant business innovation or change decisions

Despite this new understanding of the value of cybersecurity to the business, fewer than 25% of Business Leaders view Information Security as a proactive enabler of digital transformation.


Click here to download the report.