
Leading Innovation: SogetiLabs

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.

About SogetiLabs

SogetiLabs is a network of over 150 technology leaders from Sogeti worldwide. SogetiLabs covers a wide range of digital technology expertise: from embedded software, cyber security, simulation, and cloud to business information management, mobile apps, analytics, testing, and the Internet of Things. The focus is always on leveraging technologies, systems and applications in actual business situations to maximize results.

Together with the Sogeti trend lab VINT, SogetiLabs provides insight, research, and inspiration through articles, presentations, and videos that can be downloaded via the extensive SogetiLabs presence on its website, online portals, and social media.

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About VINT

Our trend lab VINT (Vision – Inspiration – Navigation – Trends), a part of the SogetiLabs network of experts, always have an eye on the horizon looking for evolutions driven by new technology. Read more on our experts here.

Making sense of new technology developments

VINT provides practical insight into the likely impact and innovative applications of new technologies for organizations worldwide. This valuable intelligence helps public and private sector enterprises to anticipate and plan for the complex dynamics of the future. The use of new technological developments is aimed at generating value that anticipates future developments. VINT brings together the talents and creativity of trendspotters in Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm and Washington.

In-depth research

At the heart of VINT is our belief that information technology is not important for its own sake. For all its complexity, it is not the features or even the claimed potential. Instead it is the use of technology that is fundamental; it is only the actual application and employment of technological innovations that can play their part in generating value for an organisation. And not all technology creates value!

So here’s the catch. Not surprisingly, successful technological developments and even more so, their practical uses are hard, if not nearly impossible, to predict. This is where VINT can provide insight, inspiration and direction. For VINT, prediction lies in getting beneath the statistics, exploring trends and patterns – human, social and technological – and applying common sense.

We’ve been publishing our research since 1994, always ensuring that all our books and publications are accessible to the non-technical and technical reader alike, and illustrated by many real-world examples.

Voicing an opinion

VINT also believe in stimulating dialogue and speaking out. Our trendspotters contribute to articles around the world. Not surprisingly, VINT are keen explorers of new media, contributing regularly to a number of media-related communities and sites.

Story Telling

Two-way dialogue is essential to keep our thinking fresh, but more importantly to make sure that it is relevant and appropriate. We have no ambitions to inhabit ivory towers. We hold a number of symposia and events around the world each year, where we gather together renowned thinkers from business and academia, to share new ideas on the technological issues challenging business and society today.

Adding business value

VINT’s research can provide an alternative perspective or more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics, which can kick-start corporate strategic debate or act as a catalyst for ground-breaking thinking and action.

SogetiLabs is part of AIE

SogetiLabs is also part of Applied Innovation Exchange,Capgemini Group’s worldwide incubator for innovation. It is an ecosystem of start-ups, accelerators, incubators, strategic technology and business partners to infuse innovation into your enterprise’s everyday business. Read more here.

  • Michiel Boreel
    Michiel Boreel
    Group Chief Technology Officer of Sogeti
    +31 347 22 10 02
  • Menno van Doorn
    Menno van Doorn
    Director of VINT
    +31 6 51 27 09 85