air plane

Enterprise Customer Solution for Amadeus

Sogeti assisted global travel software company Amadeus to build and integrate the Window 8.1 platform into the their IT Infrastructure. This led to increased productivity such as less time spent on file transfers between platforms.


Amadeus’ objective was to give the Operations teams the ability to provision and manage Windows 8.1-based tablets in all the sites covered by their global deployment platform. To create their Windows 8.1 standard image, complete Windows 7 migration, improve their global Active Directory and to migrate to Microsoft Exchange for messaging, shared calendars, contacts, and more, Amadeus saw an opportunity to reduce the cost of purchasing redundant user devices by offering more choice of development platforms & tools, and facilitating the ability to work wherever they wanted or needed to be. Amadeus also sought to create the highly desirable working environment to attract the most talented developers available.


Amadeus partnered with Sogeti to build and integrate the Window 8.1 platform into the Amadeus IT Infrastructure. Sogeti helped in provisioning and managing the Win 8.1 based tablets by implementing some of the new features added recently by Microsoft including UEFI, Secure Boot, BitLocker and Work Folders. Sogeti also helped Amadeus in migrating from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange to support email messaging, shared calendars and contacts, and other information sharing capabilities. To ensure that the entire environment was efficiently managed, monitored and secured, Sogeti also initiated set of improvements in the Amadeus Global Active Directory.


The deployment of tablets with Win 8.1 eliminates the users’ difficulty to transfer files like pdf files from the iPad to the Windows platform , thus saving their time. Users who were carrying both tablets & laptop could work with one device while travelling, thus reducing the purchase of both HW devices. Since the tablets in use were running full versions of Windows, GBS did not have to add new or different support tools to manage and secure them.

  • darren_baker
    Darren Baker
    Global Intel Alliance Director
    +1 425 691 2709

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About Amadeus

As a global developer of software for the travel sector, Amadeus depends upon Global Business Services (GBS), their internal Information and Technology Services organization, to support almost 15,000 users including employees, contractors, and partners, 5,000 of whom are software development, research and other development professionals whose requirements are among the most sophisticated and demanding anywhere