phone finance

New Digital Strategy helped American Financial Company to succeed

Sogeti compiles analysis for a Mobile App Survey for American financial company.


Sogeti has been partners with the client for 15 years and have participated in a number of previous engagements in Carmel and Chicago. Client’s Business Team wants to modernize the way their Field Agents work, including providing them with an array of Mobility devices and applications to help them become more efficient in their sales efforts. They provide annual surveys to the Field Agents to prove an ROI on investing in Mobile devices for the Agents.


Sogeti proposed taking the raw survey data and compiling a detailed report on the aggregate and an executive summary. Our mission was to help the business build the case for investing in mobile devices and mobility applications by making a clear case for the ROI.


Survey analysis helped the client in defining a clear Digital strategy ahead. Our goal was to position ourselves as their “Mobility Partner” should they choose to make the investment and to further deepen our partnership with the client.

  • John Byrne
    John Byrne
    Senior Account Executive
    +1 708-531-0011

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