shopping with phone

Mariestad becomes a more active city thanks to its new app

Sogeti creates the app What's on in Mariestad (På G i Mariestad) with Xamarin for iOS and Android.


We’re living in a digital society, and the demands on Mariestad Municipality to communicate through many different channels are increasing. Commerce in the municipality had for some time expressed concern over the efficacy of their own channels of communication, that they are not up to date and have low functionality. There were at the same time wishes from politicians that municipal events, and other events taking place in Mariestad, should be highlighted and coordinated in a new way.


The solution was an app, ”På G i Mariestad” (”What’s on in Mariestad”), that offers a scalable and cost efficient service, with the ability to present customized services and information to a mobile target audience. The app has been released for iOS and Android, and is built entirely in Xamarin. The app ”På G i Mariestad” is a visitors’ guide that helps users find events, shopping, accommodation, food & drink, activities, sightseeing, and special offers in Mariestad Municipality. The app also provides access to special offers from stores in Mariestad, tailored to the users location.


The expected benefits of the app are that citizens and visitors will be able to attend events more often, as they can find information about them more easily through the app. Shops, restaurants, and hotels will be able to use the app as a marketing channel, which will lead to increased commerce and activity in Mariestad.

  • Per Sundgren
    Per Sundgren
    Project manager at Sogeti
    076-768 82 82
About Mariestad municipality

The lake town Mariestad is picturesquely situated by the shore of Lake Vänern, and almost 24 000 people live in the municipality.