Artificial Data Amplifier

Artificial Data Amplifier

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to increase business productivity by at least 40% but businesses struggle to deploy or fully unlock AI solutions due to data-related challenges.

Data is an invaluable business asset. With the right AI model, it’s possible to use data to build and understand customer profiles, look for trends, and identify new business opportunities. But it requires huge volumes of data to develop accurate and robust AI models, and that’s a challenge, from both a data quality and quantity perspective. In addition, stringent regulations, most notably GDPR, restrict the use of certain sensitive data, like customer data.

ADA - Artificial Data Amplifier

It’s time for a new approach. Especially in a software testing environment where good quality testing data is hard to access. We typically see actual customer data being used, which risks GDPR non-compliance and ensuing heavy financial fines.

Our Artificial Data Amplifier (ADA) solution is the answer. Developed by the Sogeti Testing AI team, it generates realistic, usable data based on real data sets – but it’s entirely synthetic, so there’s no compliance risk.

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The Importance of Synthetic Data

ADA generates the synthetic data using advanced deep learning based on a combination of artificial neural networks. A sample of the real data is fed into the AI model to generate a synthetic data set that very closely matches the original data in terms of statistical similarity and distribution. The generated data preserves all the characteristics, correlations and properties of the original data, so it performs just as well as the actual data set in machine learning models. This means it can be easily used in place of the actual data.


Just like real data – but without the risk

Many organizations anonymize their customer data. But machine learning methods make it possible to re-identify 99.98% of anonymized individuals in data sets. Synthetic data feels and looks like real data – but without the security and non-compliance risk.


Swedish Government organization


Client challenge

A large Swedish government agency was working to adopt AI into its day-to-day practices. The client's data included highly personalized data of the utmost sensitivity, meaning that extreme security measures had to be taken and ethical reviews conducted in advance of any work performed.

How we made value

We demonstrated that the use of synthetic data in lieu of real data would open up many possibilities for leveraging data to drive business value.

Sogeti impact

Our ADA solution synthesized tabular, image and unstructured text data for use with or in lieu of original data. Using synthetic data enables the public use of data, while maintaining confidentiality.

Sogeti ADA


Featured Insights

How do you develop, test and maintain solutions that must maintain top quality data at first launch? The answer is spelled ADA.


Our Experts:

No matter what future industry trends throw at you, our AI experts can help you to revolutionise how your business utilizes the latest technology.

Joakim Wahlqvist
Joakim Wahlqvist
Global CTO Data & AI, Sogeti
Arun Sahu
Arun Sahu
Global Technology Lead - Data & AI, Sogeti

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