smartphone and tablet

3 Must-have Design Principles for Any Mobile App Prototype

While doing several Mobile App concepts for clients we discovered a trinity of value that took us from ‘quick and dirty’ to ‘quick and clean’. While building concepts as a demonstrable prototype, you are bound to take shortcuts.

You cannot make fast progress without cutting some corners. Having limited time should never mean cutting out the essence; it should mean focusing on the essence. That is exactly what O.E.R. delivers; Focus on essence.


To capture the reason, the user will start using the solution we define and the reason for the app to exist. This can only be described as the value towards the user. What will the App deliver as a value to the user? Or from a user perspective: ‘what’s in it for me?’ That is the Ontology of the App. This can be described in one paragraph of only a couple of sentences that define ‘the meaning of being’, as a philosopher would put it. This ‘whatness’ is why the App exists, for this the users enjoy it and its value: it is the essence of the App. [...]


To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: 3 Must-have Design Principles for Any Mobile App Prototype

Arnd Brugman
Arnd Brugman
(co)responsible for the themes Mobile Apps, Social Collaboration, Cross Channel and the New World of Work
+31 88 660 66 00