
Data Hunch – How Supercharged Machine Intelligence Grows Your Big Data Analytics Culture...

Hi! I am back again with the transcript of a new episode of Capgemini’s “Data and The Hunch” podcast series.

I am a Principal Analyst for VINT, the Sogeti Trend Lab, and work on anything Analytics related to the Connected Service Experience. My Twitter handle is @BLO2M – B-L-O-Numeric2-M – so if you like, feel free to follow me. Here’s the transcript:

Today, Fenny has joined me in the studio. Hi Fen, how can I help you?

Well Jaap, I’m here to fire some questions. Now first, you talk about Machine Intelligence – but where does that leave AI, Artificial Intelligence? 

Right! Well, mainly in business and IT environments, there is a growing tendency of abandoning the 60-year old notion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – all the more since it has become feasible to deploy practical machine learning in the cloud, on offer from respectable vendors like Microsoft and Amazon on a pay-as-you-go basis. [...]


To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: Data Hunch – How Supercharged Machine Intelligence Grows Your Big Data Analytics Culture...