destroying computer

Digital Usability (Part 1): Discard Standard Systems, Adopt Portal Approach

Lately, it has struck me that despite all the chatter (over the last 10 years) about digital usability and making IT usage easy and supportive, it has not got any better. I rather feel that it has become worse!

This series of blog posts will be my reflection on the reality, as I perceive it today.

I see it in several dimensions. Four of them are on my radar now:

  • Standard systems
  • Portal as concept
  • Business Process Management
  • Digital environment vs Digital workplace

Standard systems

It is not a secret that standard systems usually complicate things for the digital workers. [...]


To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: Digital Usability (Part 1): Discard Standard Systems, Adopt Portal Approach