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Has the design phase become extinct in an SDLC?

I started my career 21 years ago with Object Oriented Programming (OOP), which was the new buzzword then. I happened to be one of the two fortunate candidates from a batch of 30 freshers to get an opportunity to work in OOP. Back then, one of the very first things I got introduced to was Object Orient Analysis & Design (OOAD), specifically Unified Modeling Language (UML). In fact, after Requirements Gathering, Analysis and Design phases were considered to be the most critical and key elements… before the artifacts such as class diagrams, sequence diagrams, etc. were handed over to the programmers for coding. There used to be strict guidelines about how the design team should identify the domain model/classes, data models and the various manager classes and operations provided by the classes. It was critical because one had to ensure maximum reuse, and maintain an optimal level of code quality to facilitate smooth execution of change management and maintenance phases. [...]


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