top ten

Reflection on Gartner’s Top 10 IoT Technologies for 2017-18

As smarter products mature, I felt it would be useful to review the IoT observations and predictions published by Gartner Group Inc. last year.

Gartner identifies IoT Security, IoT Analytics, IoT Device (Thing) Management, Low-Power Short-Range IoT networks, Low-Power Wide-Area Networks, IoT Processors, IoT Operating Systems, Event Stream Processing, IoT Platforms, and IoT Standards and Ecosystems. Although I don’t see them as ten individuals or as new technologies – some of the areas deserve more attention. Most can be handled by applying known technologies and approaches to slightly changing domains. Much like the industry did when the microprocessor was invented and decentralized computing power became abundant. However, the recent WannaCry attack showed that even mature approaches, like keeping your operating systems patched, IT updated and creating a Security Operations Centre (SOC) are not followed by many.

Will Uniform Standards be the Standard?

Gartner indicates that they expect the described evolution to take place during 2017 and 2018. I think some of them will take much longer. We might see suggested IoT Standards and Ecosystems emerge. But I would very much doubt that we will see a single standard dominate in its area in that timeframe. Both when it comes to interconnection standards and communication networks. [...]


To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: Reflections on Gartner’s Top 10 IoT Technologies for 2017-18