
Work Agile

By now you undoubtedly heard of the whole Agile trend or working in Scrum teams. In my opinion a lot of companies try to evolve into a company with an Agile mindset, an Agile way of work, and most of them choose to implement Agile by working in scrum teams.

The thing I find interesting is that the start of this transformation, or evolution if you will, comes from the management of these organizations. Somewhere in an ivory tower where the management resides the decision is made to “work Agile”. You and I both know that management have no idea what this is, means or implicates.

Simple example: various studies show that anywhere between 20 and 30% of the “workers” are unsuited for working in an agile environment. Thus they will not develop, let alone adapt, the Agile mindset. Is management prepared to lay-off that amount of people, and far more important, is the company ready for such a shake-up?[...]

To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: Work Agile

Hans Lantink
Hans Lantink
Senior Test Manager
+31 (0) 625 645 077

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