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Reduced maintenance costs for EU Publication Office's new intranet

Sogeti develops SharePoint based Intranet for EU Publication Office.


The Office of Publications of the European Union (OP) had set of intranet sites hosted on the technology platform MOSS 2007. They wanted to benefit from major technological advances made in this platform over last six years and migrate these Intranet sites under SharePoint 2013. Sogeti was a historical partner in the deployment of their Intranet and they were consulted. Sogeti submitted a technical and financial proposal for this project.


Sogeti handled the migration of the Intranet for the Publications Office to the latest version of SharePoint. The intranet consists of a publishing platform, a collaboration platform and a specialized site collection to handle dedicated business needs for the Publications Office. The new intranet also  employed a dedicated and customized search portal together with a standard MySites implementation.

All the components were heavily customized, employing custom content types that are published from a central Enterprise Hub, custom page layouts and master pages for the publishing infrastructure.  It also possesses a content source -oriented Search center with an improved Advanced Search functionality over the out-of-the-box implementation.

The new  intranet now has 2 publishing content types, 8 document content types, around 15 dedicated webparts for collaborative side, a dedicated search topology split over 5 servers serving around 1200 users with an average concurrency rate of 15%.


The new intranet uses all the beneficial features of SharePoint (including Fast). Sogeti ensured less customization and more standard features for less cost of maintenance for next migration. We also retained the structure from previous site to ensure seamless user experience.

  • Nico Bourdeau
    Nicolas Bourdeau
    Alliance Manager Microsoft, Sogeti Luxembourg
    +352 31 44 01
  • Patrice Froment
    Patrice Froment
    Branch Manager at Sogeti Luxembourg
    +352 31 44 01
About EU Publication Office

The Publications Office of the European Union (Publications Office) is an inter-institutional office whose task is to publish the various publications of the institutions of the European Union. The Publications Office publishes the daily Official Journal of the European Union in 23 official EU languages.