
Dynamic dashboards replace reporting on Excel spreadsheets

Sogeti develops global Integrated Sales Reporting Suite using QlikView for a large global hardware manufacturer.


The client wanted to develop a data visualization platform which will allow replacement of creating more than 500 manually generated excel reports along with integrating data from multiple separate back end data systems including SalesForce, Yotta, and other internal transaction system. They also wanted the end solution to be integrated back within SalesForce to give a seamless reporting experience to end users.


Using QlikView, we were able to enable forecasting in the reports which allows users to see their forward looking pipeline to give them early indication of where to concentrate their sales efforts to meet their quota. Qlikview also allows users to review several years of trending sales KPIs to highlight patterns in seasonality. Our solution allows generation of dynamic reports  where users can create custom reports on the fly to answer unexpected business questions.


Our solution allowed client to replace 500+ manual excel spreadsheets along with the dashboards seamlessly being integrated within the CRM. Users have facility to have a sandbox environment which dynamically update reports. Our solution also  leverages and integrates multiple different transaction source systems.

  • Andrew Quirin
    Andrew Quirin
    Big Data Visualization Expert; QlikView Charter Luminary
    +1 817 308 76 53

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