computer network

New common intranet simplifies contact between colleagues

Sogeti created a new intranet for Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland with a lot of new functionalities


The client wanted to merge ‘Agentschap NL’ and ‘Dienst Regelingen’ to create a common intranet. The client wanted the employees of both organizations to feel comfortable right away with the new Intranet. They wanted their employees to find their colleagues from day one, which meant that in a short time a new social intranet had to be developed.


Sogeti first developed a SCRUM team out of several Drupal experts, a test expert and a SCRUM master for the SCRUM team. The product owner was from the client’s side. The development took 6 sprints (3 weeks each) and 1 sprint extra to prepare the ‘go live’, which was scheduled on December 31st, 2013. After the successful ‘go live’, the Sogeti team continued to extend and improve the functionalities of the intranet. 


The intranet includes Single-Sign-On and Social Network features like internal Marketplace, import function for profiles, extended search and events that enables the employees of both the organizations to find their colleagues and interact easily. 

  • Roeland Bril
    Roeland Bril
    Delivery Manager
About the client

Netherlands Enterprise Agency encourages entrepreneurs in sustainable, agrarian, innovative and international business. Netherlands Enterprise Agency is part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and aims to improve opportunities for entrepreneurs and to strengthen their position. The Agency works at the instigation of ministries and the European Union.