Sogeti validates low-code expertise with advanced specialization

Using Microsoft Power Platform to efficiently solve business challenges.

Sogeti, a Microsoft partner with 18 Gold Competencies, is one of the first systems integrators in the world to attain the new Low Code Application Development Advanced Specialization. This achievement reflects the strong investment the company has made in building its Power Platform practice and validates that its consultants and developers have the knowledge, substantive experience, and documented success to support customer adoption of Microsoft low code solutions.

Engaged with Power Platform since the release of Power BI in 2011, Sogeti today has more than 1,000 consultants certified on Power Platform in its global organization. “Because we have such a focus on certification and customer success within our organization, applying for the Low Code Advanced Specialization was a very seamless process. We are excited to receive this designation to help customers and Microsoft sellers understand our extensive capabilities in this area,” said Vijayalakshmi Venkataraman, Application and Cloud Technology Practice Lead at Sogeti.

Sogeti uses Power Platform to help a broad range of clients across multiple industries address everything from greenfield end to end deployments to individual app development. The partner has established a strong set of resources to improve efficiency of its engagements, including hackathons for providing rapid prototyping to address real world scenarios and a Power Platform Library featuring components and best practices that can accelerate implementations in any environment.

“Power Platform is a great offering to open up discussions with business owners, because it is the marketing or operations teams that need the automation or low code apps to move business forward,” said Jorik Abspoel, Global Microsoft Partnership Lead at Sogeti.


Key customer outcomes


  • Agility to respond to market changes
  • Improved ROI of Power Platform investment
  • Modern apps to improve productivity and adoption
  • Better governance of low code development efforts


Key customer outcomes


  • Agility to respond to market changes
  • Improved ROI of Power Platform investment
  • Modern apps to improve productivity and adoption
  • Better governance of low code development efforts



Implementing low-code strategy for highly regulated industry

One of Sogeti’s strengths is its consulting advisory services that help customers with strategic planning at the beginning of their low-code journey.

When a cooperative bank in the Netherlands, sought to respond more quickly to customer needs, changes in the market, and new regulations, it wanted a partner that could help it digitally transform. Democratizing IT played an important role in the effort, so the company tapped Sogeti to deploy Power Platform, which would enable employees to automate processes themselves, develop insightful dashboards, and devise smart, low-code apps for everything from giving account managers access to customer data on the go to streamlining the next HR reorganization.

The bank also needed to be confident that IT governance was in place to ensure it could maintain compliance, best practices, security, and workflows, so Sogeti helped establish a Competence Center that manages who builds which apps and what data is used in them. “Thanks to Sogeti’s help in the implementation of Power Platform, the customer can now digitize quickly, without compromising on safety and compliance,” said Vijayalakshmi. “This ensures the perfect balance between control on IT and agility of the business.

Improving low-code ROI for professional services firm

When Sogeti engaged with a large U.S.-based audit, accounting, and investment consultancy, the client had already deployed Power Platform throughout the organization, giving citizen developers the ability to create and automate apps. However, Sogeti found that of the roughly 400 apps that had been developed, few were actually in use.

Sogeti developed a five-step process for managing app publishing and adoption within the organization to increase app usage and accelerated deployment of the Center of Excellence (COE) Starter Kit to manage app creation and access. This included adding IP from its Power Platform Library to modify workflows for complying with GDPR and enabling external connectors. Sogeti also invited the client to participate in a hackathon, where a prototype for creating an intelligent processing solution for tax forms using Power Apps and Power Automate was delivered within a week.

“The customer is now seeing significant ROI from their Power Platform investment,” said Vijayalakshmi. “They now have lower development costs and better governance for apps, and those that are created are being used. They are already looking at future projects like creating a catalog of app workflows to further streamline development efforts.”

Planting the seed for low-code potential with global manufacturer

Sogeti also works with customers that are just dipping their toe into the pool of low-code development. For years, Sogeti had been trying to get a foot in the door at a global consumer packaged goods manufacturer. When it found out that the company wanted a sales app to replace a manual, Excel-based process, Sogeti brought in a Power Platform architect, and in six weeks the app was launched.

This initial project was so well received that additional app projects followed – so many that Sogeti created an “app factory” approach, assigning a permanent team to create new apps and modernize apps running on legacy platforms. Sogeti also created a citizen developer program, implementing the COE Starter Kit to manage and govern app creation and usage.

“The low-code approach requires much less development time, much less cost, and is done in a distributed way,” said  Vijayalakshmi. “This helped Power Platform take root and grow over time as the customer realized the value of the apps and enabling citizen developers.”

Power Platform central to cloud growth

With low-code as an easy way to provide value in nearly any business scenario, it’s not surprising that Sogeti has grown its Power Platform business significantly over the last year. With 42% overall growth across the practice, PowerApps and Power Automate project revenue has increased 8X.

“Power Platform is integral to the Microsoft cloud story. For cloud projects, an additional investment in low-code can improve the ROI by tenfold,” said Abspoel. “It’s no longer talking about technology platforms; it’s about real-life, end-to-end customer journeys and how we can make their investments have a higher return.”


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Meet our experts:

Vijayalakshmi Venkataraman
Vijayalakshmi Venkataraman
Vice President - Application and Cloud Technology Practice Head
Jorik Abspoel
Jorik Abspoel
Global Head of Digital, Sogeti Group