industrial pipe line

Successful implementation of IoT solution despite very short time frame

Sogeti implements a global monitoring program for US-based Industrial Automation company.


The client has a distributed install base of Air Compressors. They wanted to demonstrate the feasibility of being able to remote monitor, manage, maintain and service the fleet leveraging the latest IoT technologies with minimal changes to the product.


Sogeti worked with the customer to implement a Pilot Project to showcase the technology and feasibility of the Proposed overall IoT solution for Air Compressors, which enabled the customer to connect device communicates with cloud via UMTS/3G/4G. It provides functionalities such as - User management, Alerts/Notifications, reporting and analytics, monitoring compressor data etc. The process for managing the connected machines identification will be the key to flesh out dashboard navigation.


We successfully completed POC within two months. We identified all the risks and potential points of failures involved, flushed out key dependencies and cost required in actual deployment and developed the detailed roadmap and development plan for the actual implementation. We are currently engaged in designing the next phase.

  • Atul Kurani
    Atul Kurani
    Practice Leader, IoT and Software Products, P&ES
    +91 982 061 86 56

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About the client

The client is more then 100 year old US-based global Conglomerate with manufacturing units in more then 99 countries and product lines spanning across various areas like Air Solutions Tools, Material Handling Golf Car, Utility Vehicles, Stationary Refrigeration, Transport Refrigeration, Residential air conditioning, and Commercial air conditioning.